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Charles Arsenault
Charline Dequincey
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Guitar - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
History - Advanced
Violin - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
History - Advanced
History - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Trumpet - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
History - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Flute - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Flute - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Violoncello - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
Voice - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Harp - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Viola - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Theory - Elementary
Flute - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Clarinet - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Clarinet - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Flute - Advanced
History - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Violin - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Flute - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Voice - Elementary
Violin - Elementary
Violin - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Smart Start - School License
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Guitar - Elementary
Guitar - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Smart Start - School License
Piano - Elementary
Speech & Drama - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Violoncello - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Flute - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Harmony - Advanced
Flute - Elementary
Clarinet - Elementary
Harmony - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Clarinet - Elementary
Clarinet - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
Clarinet - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Flute - Intermediate
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Flute - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Violoncello - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Speech & Drama - Elementary
Smart Start - School License
Piano - Intermediate
Smart Start - School License
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Intermediate
History - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Guitar - Elementary
Guitar - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Violin - Elementary
Voice - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Flute - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Violin - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Flute - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Voice - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Clarinet - Intermediate
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Flute - Intermediate
Theory - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
History - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
History - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Harp - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
History - Advanced
History - Advanced
Flute - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
History - Advanced
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
History - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
History - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Guitar - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Theory - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Flute - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Advanced
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Voice - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Harp - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Violin - Advanced
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Theory - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
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Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Flute - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Violin - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Guitar - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Elementary
Speech & Drama - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Violoncello - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Flute - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
History - Advanced
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Theory - Intermediate
Piano - Elementary
Theory - Intermediate
Piano - Advanced
Piano - Elementary
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Piano - Intermediate
Voice - Intermediate
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Theory - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Voice - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Theory - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
Saxophone - Elementary
Theory - Intermediate
Violin - Elementary
Theory - Elementary
Piano - Elementary
Theory - Intermediate
Theory - Intermediate
Piano - Intermediate
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Theory - Elementary
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Voice - Intermediate
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Violin - Intermediate
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Voice - Intermediate
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Piano - Intermediate
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Theory - Intermediate
Smart Start - School License
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Voice - Elementary
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Voice - Intermediate
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Theory - Intermediate
Theory - Intermediate
Theory - Elementary
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Theory - Elementary
Theory - Intermediate
Theory - Intermediate
Theory - Intermediate
2026 - BMU - University of Utah
2024 - Doctor of Music (DMA - Doctoral Candidate) - University of Toronto
2024 - Artist Diploma - OAcademy Orchestra Institue
2024 - Certificate - The Royal Conservatory Of Music
2024 - Masters of Music in Piano Performance - University of British Columbia
2023 - RBC Affiliate Composer - Toronto Symphony Orchestra
2023 - ARCT Voice - RCM
2023 - Outstanding Teacher Certificate - Pleyel Piano Competition
2023 - Certificate (RCM Level 10) - Royal Conservatory of Music
2023 - Master of Music - Mannes School of Music
2023 - B.M - Liberty University
2023 - Early Childhood Education - Alberta Childcare
2023 - Bachelor of Music, Spec. Honours - York University
2023 - ARCT in piano - RCM
2023 - M.Mus - McGill University
2023 - A.R.C.T. Teachers - Royal Conservatory of Music
2022 - Masters of Music in Voice Performance - Guildhall School of Music and Drama, UK
2022 - ERASMUS Masters studies in Piano Performance - Universitat Mozarteum Salzburg
2022 - Masters in Piano Performance - Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music
2022 - Guest - Vesuvius Ensemble
2022 - Bachelor of Education - Mount Saint Vincent University
2022 - DMA - University of Michigan
2022 - Master of Music - Indiana University
2022 - Master of Music - Ohio University
2022 - Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance - University of British Columbia
2022 - Violin Repair - Minnesota State College - Southeast
2022 - Master of Music Education - Florida State University
2022 - Bachelor's of Music - San Francisco State University
2022 - Degree - University of British Columbia
2022 - Carrefour Composer-in-Residence - National Arts Centre Orchestra
2022 - Doctor of Philosophy in Music - University of Chicago
2022 - Piano Pedagogy Research - University of Ottawa
2022 - Doctor of Education - Bradley University
2022 - Bachelor of Music, final year of study - University of Utah
2021 - Doctor of Musical Arts in Solo Piano Performance - The University of Western Ontario
2021 - ARCT Piano Pedagogy - RCM
2021 - Master of Arts - Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo
2021 - Outstanding Teacher Certificate - 8th Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Youth Piano Competition
2021 - Outstanding Teacher Certificate - 8th Hong Kong Youth Music Competition
2021 - Arts - University of Alaska - Anchorage
2021 - Music Education - University of Alaska - Anchorage
2021 - Doctor of Philosophy - Moscow State University
2021 - Bachelor of Arts - Wilfrid Laurier University
2021 - BMUS Composition and Music Theory - University of Victoria
2021 - ARCT Voice Performance Diploma - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2021 - Bachelors of Music in Voice Performance - University of Toronto
2021 - Artist Diploma - The Glenn Gould School
2021 - Graduate Diploma - University of Ottawa
2021 - B.Mus - The Glenn Gould School
2020 - Préconservatoire - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2020 - Master of Arts in Piano Pedagogy Research - University of Ottawa
2020 - Bachelor of Music - University of Manitoba
2020 - Level 10 Piano Certificate - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2020 - MMus Performance - McGill University
2020 - Master of Music - Boston University
2020 - Bachelor's degree - Conservatory Of tehran
2020 - Master of Arts: Community Music - Wilfrid Laurier University
2020 - Master of Music - University of Calgary
2020 - Bachelor of Music - Mannes School of Music
2020 - Bachelor of Music - University of British Columbia
2020 - Bachelor of Music Education - Stetson University
2020 - Music Diploma - Capilano University
2020 - Master of Music - California State University, Fullerton
2020 - Grade 8 Piano - The Royal Conservatory
2020 - Associate of Arts (Music & Psychology) degree - Douglas College
2020 - Professional Certificate - SuccessWise
2020 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
2020 - Bachelor of Music Education - Baylor University
2019 - Professional Studies - Manhattan School of Music
2019 - Préconservatoire - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2019 - Bachelor of Music (Concentration in saxophone) - University of British Columbia
2019 - ARCT - British Columbia Conservatory of Music
2019 - Master of Arts in Religion - Yale University and Yale Institute of Sacred Music
2019 - Master of Music - University of Southern California
2019 - Nationally Certified Teacher of Music - Music Teachers National Association, USA
2019 - Master of Arts: Composition - Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
2019 - BM Hons - Thornton School of Music, University of Southern California, USC
2019 - Elementary Piano - RCM
2019 - Taught my students ‘Hymn to Freedom’ in preparation for Music Monday video/performance. Video posted on blog. - Cosmo School of Music
2019 - Teacher Certificate of Recognition for student’s achievement as a 2019 Gold Medalist in Level 8 Guitar - Royal Conservatory of Music
2019 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
2019 - Honours Bachelor - Wilfrid Laurier University
2019 - Masters in Music - University of Ottawa
2019 - Certificate - RCM
2019 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
2019 - Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance - University of Ottawa
2018 - Bachelor Music Cognition - McMaster University
2018 - Bachelor of Arts - University of Alberta
2018 - B.A. - UBC
2018 - My arrangement “L’Aria del Ponte” listed in the Royal Conservatory of Music Guitar Syllabus Level 4 Repertoire - Royal Conservatory of Music
2018 - My composition “Tramonto” listed in the Royal Conservatory of Music Guitar Syllabus Grade 6 Repertoire - Royal Conservatory of Music
2018 - Teacher Certificate of Recognition for student's achievment as a 2018 Gold Medalist in Level 7 Guitar - Royal Conservatory of Music
2018 - Bachelor of Music - University of Calgary
2018 - Honours Bachelor of Music: Contemporary Music - Composition - Wilfrid Laurier University
2018 - Master of Music - University of Ottawa
2018 - Master of Music - Bard College
2018 - DMA - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2018 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
2018 - ARCT Piano Pedagogy - The Royal Conservatory
2018 - LBCM Piano Performance - British Columbia Conservatory of Music
2018 - Level 8 Piano - The Royal Conservatory of Music Development Program
2018 - Teaching Elementary Piano - Royal Conservatory of Music
2018 - MMus - University of Alberta
2018 - B.Ed - Queen's University
2018 - MM - University of Michigan
2018 - Top 25 over 25 years - Kwantlen Polytech University
2018 - Master of Music - Western University
2018 - Préconservatoire - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2018 - Bachelor of Music - The Master's University
2018 - Certification - Music Together
2018 - Dedicated Excellent Music Teaching - The 6th Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival
2018 - Associate's of Arts - Cypress College/Fullerton College
2018 - Teaching Advance Piano - Royal Conservatory of Music
2018 - Master of Arts in Music - University of North Texas
2017 - Master of Music - New York University
2017 - ARCT Theory - RCM
2017 - Masters - Manhattan School of Music
2017 - Junior Music Instructor - Yamaha Canada Music Ltd
2017 - Adjudicator - Kiwanis Music Festival Ottawa
2017 - Préconservatoire - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2017 - Bachelors - University of Houston
2017 - Concert Diploma (Konzertexamen) - Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar
2017 - B.Mus - Queen's University
2017 - Masters in Piano - University of Utah
2017 - ARCT Oboe Performance - The Royal Conservatory
2017 - MMus - University of Ottawa
2017 - Teacher Certificate of Recognition for student’s achievement as a 2017 Gold Medalist in Level 6 Guitar - Royal Conservatory of Music
2017 - MFA - Boston University
2017 - Master of Music - University of Ottawa, Canada
2017 - Bachelor of Music - University of Ottawa
2017 - Master of Music - Manhattan School of Music
2017 - Bachelor of Music - McNally Smith College of Music
2017 - Bachelor of Music - University of Victoria
2017 - Diploma - Trinity College London
2017 - Bachelor of Music Honours Degree - University of Saskatchewan
2016 - Masters in Music - University of Toronto
2016 - DMA - University of Southern California
2016 - Associate Degree in Arts (Music Major) - Douglas College
2016 - Graduate Diploma in Piano Pedagogy Research - University of Ottawa
2016 - Doctor of Musical Arts - University of Miami
2016 - Ph.D. - York University
2016 - Doctorate of Music - University of California
2016 - Master's Degree of Piano Performance - Dalian University
2016 - Bachelor of Music - Ambrose University
2016 - Master of Arts - Carleton University
2016 - B.Mus. - Western University
2016 - Master of Music - University of British Columbia
2016 - MMus - Royal College of Music (UK)
2016 - Doctor of Musical Arts - Shenandoah Conservatory of Shenandoah University
2016 - Bachelor of Arts - UBC
2016 - BMusA - University of Western Ontario
2016 - Fellowship - Trinity College London
2016 - ARCT Piano Performance - The Royal Conservatory
2016 - Artist Diploma - University of Toronto
2016 - Elementary - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2016 - Intermediate - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2016 - BMus - University of Alberta
2016 - MM - Westminster Choir College of Rider Univserity
2016 - BM - Brigham Young University
2016 - Doctorate of Musical Arts - University of Toronto
2016 - Masters - USC Thornton School Of Music
2016 - Bachelors - University of Toronto
2016 - Adjudicator - Kiwanis Music Festival Ottawa
2016 - Préconservatoire - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2016 - Master of Music - University of Ottawa
2016 - Master of Music in Literature and Performance - The University of Western Ontario
2016 - Music - MacEwan University
2015 - Teaching Excellence Award - 2015 Hong Kong Music Competition for Young Pianists
2015 - Bachelor of Music - Manhattan School of Music
2015 - Undergraduate - Manhattan School of Music
2015 - Grade 10 - RCM
2015 - Master's - University of Alberta
2015 - Certification - Music for Young Children, CANADA
2015 - Préconservatoire - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2015 - Bachelor of Music - McGill University
2015 - M. Mus. - Western University
2015 - Master’s of Piano Performance - University of Toronto
2015 - Rudiment Theory - Ultimate Music Theory
2015 - Bachelor of Music - Acadia University
2015 - Master - Athabasca University
2015 - Degree - University of Manitoba
2015 - Graduate Performance Diploma - The Boston Conservatory
2015 - DMA - USC-Thornton School of Music
2015 - Doctor of Musical Arts - University of Toronto
2015 - MM - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2015 - Master of Music - Manhattan School of Music
2015 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
2015 - Master of Arts - University of Western Ontario
2015 - Master of Music - University of Manitoba
2015 - B.A. Liberal Studies - CSU Dominguez Hills
2015 - B.A. Music Education - CSU Dominguez Hills
2015 - Bacholer of Arts - York University
2015 - Pós Graduaçao - Faculdade Cantareira
2015 - Degree - York University
2015 - Certification in Keyboard injury Preventive technique - Salem College NC
2015 - Colleague - Royal Canadian College of Organists
2015 - Diploma of Recognition - American Protege Competition
2015 - Bachelor of Music - Manhattan School of Music
2015 - B. Mus - McGill University
2015 - PhD - Eastman School of Music
2015 - Master of Music - Bowling Green State University
2015 - Master of Music - University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2015 - Master of Arts - UCLA
2015 - Doctor of Philosophy - University of Calgary
2014 - B.Ed - UofT
2014 - Bachelor of Education - Queen's University
2014 - Artist Diploma - Conservatoire de musique de Montreal
2014 - Master of Music - University of Toronto
2014 - Master's in Piano Performance - Moores School of Music, University of Houston
2014 - Bachelor of Music - University of Manitoba
2014 - AA-T - Modesto Junior College
2014 - Dalcroze Foundational Level 1 Certificate - Dalcroze Canada
2014 - BFA in Music/Creative Writing - Goddard College
2014 - Certificate in Keyboard Injury Prevention - Winston-Salem College
2014 - Bachelor of Music in Performance (with Honours) - University of Toronto
2014 - Mater of Music - University of California Santa Barbara
2014 - Child and youth care - ryerson (university X)
2014 - Preparatory Studies - University of Manitoba
2014 - Bachelor of Music - Glenn Gould School
2014 - Yamaha Certified Examiner - Yamaha Music Foundation
2014 - M.M. - Boise State University
2014 - Associate Diploma - Conservatory Canada
2014 - BMus - University of Ottawa
2014 - PhD - York University
2014 - Bachelor of Music - University of Victoria
2014 - Hons. BMus - Wilfrid Laurier University
2014 - Master of Music - Mannes College The New School for Music
2014 - Licentiate - Trinity College London
2014 - Master of Arts - University of Toronto
2014 - MM - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2014 - Bachelor Degree - University of Manitoba
2014 - BMus Performance - University of Calgary
2014 - BMus - University of Alberta
2014 - Professional Studies Certificate - New England Conservatory
2014 - ARCT - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2014 - Artist Diploma - USC Thornton School
2014 - Bachelor of Music - University of Ottawa
2014 - Bachelor - University of Calgary
2014 - Certificate - Mount Royal University
2014 - Bachelor of Education - University of Toronto
2013 - ARCT in Piano Performance - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2013 - Bachelor of Music Honours Music Education - The University of Western Ontario
2013 - Advanced Certificate in Performance - University of Toronto
2013 - Master of Music - The Boston Conservatory
2013 - MM - BGSU
2013 - Specialist Certificate in Orchestration for RV and Film - Berklee College of Music
2013 - B.A. - Laurentian University
2013 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
2013 - Master of sacred music - Canada Christian college
2013 - BMUS - University of Utah
2013 - RCM ARCT in Piano Performance - Yamaha Music School
2013 - Masters (with Distinction) - Hong Kong Baptist University
2013 - DMA - University of Toronto
2013 - Bachelor of Music - University of Western Ontario
2013 - Intermediate Piano Pedagogy - Royal Conservatory of Toronto
2013 - Music Together Teacher Training - Music Together
2013 - Performing Arts - Music Diploma - Douglas College
2013 - Bachelor's Degree of Music Education - Sichuan Teacher's University
2013 - Degree - Humber College
2013 - Diploma - Trinity College London
2013 - Suzuki Piano Book 1 Teaching Certification - Suzuki of the Americas
2013 - Bachelor of Arts - Nicholls State University
2013 - Graduate Performance Diploma - The Boston Conservatory
2013 - Diploma in Performing Arts (Music) - Douglas College
2013 - Bachelor of Music - Dalhousie University
2013 - MA - UofT
2013 - Bachelor of Music - Queen's University
2012 - Bachelor in Music - McGill University
2012 - B.ED - Queen's University
2012 - Diploma - University of Ottawa
2012 - Bachelor of Music - USC
2012 - Bachelor of Arts - Otterbein University
2012 - ARCT Piano Pedagogy Diploma - Royal Conservatory of Music
2012 - Bachelor of Education - University of Toronto
2012 - Ontario College of Teachers Certification - Ontario College of Teachers
2012 - Master of Music - Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
2012 - MFA - The New School
2012 - BFA - York University
2012 - Artist Certificate - University of Arkansas: Fayetteville
2012 - Post grad - University of Fayetteville Arkansas (AR)
2012 - Orff Schulwerk - Vancouver Community College
2012 - Bachelor of Music - San Jose State University
2012 - Bachelor of Music - Wilfrid Laurier University
2012 - Music Performance Diploma - Mount Royal University
2012 - Yamaha Certified Classroom Teacher - Yamaha Music Foundation
2012 - B.M. - McGill University
2012 - Bachelor of Music - University of Windsor
2012 - Bachelor of Music - University of British Columbia
2012 - BMUS - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2012 - Bachelor of Music - University of Missouri-Columbia, MO
2012 - Master of Music (MMus) - Academy of Music, University of Zagreb
2012 - Masters of Music - Florida International University
2012 - Maîtrise d'interprétation - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2012 - Professeur 2012 à présent - Préconservatoire au Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2012 - Best Music Teacher - Richmond BC
2012 - Bachelor - University of Western Ontario
2012 - Master of Music - University of Toronto
2012 - Bachelor of Music Education - Baldwin Wallace University Conservatory of Music
2011 - Diploma - Peggy Yip Piano Studio
2011 - Honors Bachelor - University of Western Ontario
2011 - Permanent Professional Certification - Music Teachers National Association
2011 - Masters Degree in Music - California State University, Fullerton
2011 - MMus - DePaul University
2011 - Bachelor of Music (BMus) - Academy of Music, University of Zagreb & MDW - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
2011 - BM - Crane School of Music SUNY Potsdam
2011 - Bachelor of Music - University of Calgary
2011 - Masters - Russian Gnesin Academy of Music
2011 - Diploma - Kwantlen Polytechnic university
2011 - Business Administration Diploma - Mount Royal University
2011 - Master of Music - University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
2011 - BA - Goshen College
2011 - Doctor of Musical Arts - University of Colorado
2011 - Bachelor of Music - Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2011 - Diploma for Qualification as an Accompanist, Ensemble Performer, Instrumental Performer and Pedagogy - Musical College after A. Babajanyan in Yerevan, Armenia
2011 - Ph.d. - UVic
2011 - Master of Music - University of Calgary
2011 - Published - Frederick Harris Music Co.
2011 - Bachelor of music - University of Toronto
2011 - Performer Diploma - Indiana University
2011 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
2011 - B.Mus - University of Alberta
2011 - Master in Music - The Boston Conservatory
2011 - Music - University of Wisconsin - Parkside
2011 - Masters - University of Ottawa
2011 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
2011 - B.MUS - Acadia University
2010 - Associate in Piano Performance (Music) - Royal Conservatory of Music
2010 - Bachelor of Music - University of GA, USA
2010 - MM - Eastman School of Music
2010 - Masters in Music - Northwestern University
2010 - Principal - Aspire Piano & Music Theory Academy
2010 - Master's of Music - University of Iowa
2010 - BA - The New School
2010 - BM - Mannes
2010 - Master of Music - Indiana University
2010 - B.A - Laurentian University
2010 - Bachelors in Music Therapy - Capilano University
2010 - Bachelor of Music - Brigham Young University
2010 - Master - University of Fayetteville Arkansas (AR)
2010 - Master in Piano Performance - University of Fayetteville Arkansas
2010 - Bachelor degree in Music - Higher Institute of Music, Damascus
2010 - Music Education - Point Loma Nazarene University
2010 - Piano Performance - Point Loma Nazarene University
2010 - Professional Certification - MTNA
2010 - ARCT Teacher Diploma - Royal Conservatory of Music
2010 - BMus - University of Victoria
2010 - Bachelor's - Arts University (ISA), Havana, Cuba
2010 - DMA - University of Arizona
2010 - Doctorate - University of Minnesota
2010 - ACCM - Conservatory Canada
2010 - Associate of Arts - Pacific Life Bible College
2010 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
2010 - Professional Certificate in Arranging - Berklee College of Music
2010 - Bachelor - University of the Arts Cuba
2010 - Master of Music - UBC
2010 - B. Ed. - Wilfrid Laurier Universtiy
2010 - Certificat de perfectionnement - Ecole Normale de Music de Paris
2010 - Doctor of Musical Arts - Arizona State University
2010 - A.R.C.T. - Royal Conservatory of Music
2010 - Bachelor of Musical Arts in Piano - Oklahoma Baptist University
2010 - M Mus - University of Alberta
2010 - Level 10 - RCM
2009 - Bachelor of Music - University of Prince Edward Island
2009 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
2009 - Licentiate (LTCL) Diploma - Trinity College London, England
2009 - Master Teacher - World Piano Competition, Original Charter (1957-2010)
2009 - Master of Music - Duquesne University
2009 - Bachelor’s of Music - New World School of the Arts
2009 - Performer Diploma - Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
2009 - Degree - Taipei Municipal University of Education
2009 - BA - Queen's University
2009 - Certificate - Kwantlen Polytechnic University
2009 - Master of Music - Western University
2009 - Bachelor of Music - McMaster University
2009 - M.M. (All but thesis) - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2009 - Bachelor of Music - University of Tennessee
2009 - Junior Specialist - Dnipropetrovsk Conservatory, Ukraine
2009 - Honours BMus - Wilfrid Laurier University
2009 - Languages (focus: german) - Wilfrid Laurier University
2009 - Artist Diploma - University of North Texas
2009 - Grade 10 Guitar Certificate with First Class Honours - Silver Medal Winner - Royal Conservatory of Music
2009 - Grade 4 Theory Certificate with First Class Honours - Royal Conservatory of Music
2009 - Fellowship Diploma of Piano Recital, Fellowship Diploma of Piano Accompanying) - Trinity College of London
2009 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
2009 - 2 year Diploma - Grant MacEwan
2009 - Bachelors - Wilfrid Laurier University
2009 - Bachelor in Music - Moravian College
2008 - Grade 10 Practical - Royal Conservatory of Music
2008 - Bachelor of Music - University of Maryland
2008 - Bachelor's Music - University of Iowa
2008 - MA - University of Regina
2008 - ARCT Piano Performance Diploma - Royal Conservatory of Music
2008 - Music Diploma - Red Deer College
2008 - DMA - University of Michigan
2008 - Bachelor fo Music - Indiana University
2008 - Master of Music - Binghamton University
2008 - Humanities: Music - Brigham Young University
2008 - Bachelor of Music - University of Lethbridge
2008 - Postgraduate Diploma in Education - Bond University
2008 - Masters of Music - University of Toronto
2008 - MM - Mannes College, NYC
2008 - Bachelor - Haute Ecole des Arts de Bern
2008 - Bachelor in Piano Performance - HKB: Haute Ecole de Bern
2008 - Master - Conservatoire de Genève (Suisse)
2008 - Master in Music Education - Conservatoire de Geneve
2008 - Grade 10 Piano - Royal Conservatory Music
2008 - Bachelor - University of Toronto - OISE
2008 - Diploma - Royal Conservatory of Music
2008 - Bachelor of Music - Dalhousie University
2008 - certification - Kindermusik University USA
2008 - Masters of Music - University of British Columbia
2008 - Associate Diploma with the Royal Conservatory of Toronto (ARCT) - Royal Conservatory of Music
2008 - Accreditation - Canadian Association of Music Therapy
2008 - Independent School Certificate - Urban Academy
2008 - Ph.D. / Doctorate - University of Maryland, College Park
2008 - Master of Music - University of Minnesota
2008 - BA (Hons.) - Leeds College of Music
2008 - Master of Music - The University of Toronto
2008 - MBA - Queen's University
2008 - BMus in Piano Performance - Prairie Bible Institute
2008 - BA - University of Toronto
2008 - Orff level 1 - Boston University, Boston
2008 - Grade 8 - ABRSM
2008 - B Mus - Brandon University
2008 - Bachelor - Wuhan Conservatory of music
2007 - Advanced Professional Diploma in Music Performance - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2007 - Bachelor - Chongshin University,Seoul,Korea
2007 - Bachelor of Music - Seton Hill University
2007 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
2007 - Founding Teacher - Royal School of Music, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2007 - M. Music - Folkwang University of the Arts
2007 - Bachelor of Music - Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
2007 - Master of Music - University of British Columbia
2007 - BFA - York U
2007 - Associate Diploma with the Royal Conservatory of Toronto (ARCT) - Royal Conservatory of Music
2007 - Master of Music - Indiana University
2007 - Bachelor of Sacred Music Diploma - Canada Christian college
2007 - B.F.A - York University
2007 - MM Music Performance - University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
2007 - Master of Music - University of North Texas
2007 - Graduate Performance Diploma - The Boston Concervatory
2007 - Music - Concordia University Edmonton
2007 - Bachelors in Music - University of British Columbia
2007 - Master's - York University
2007 - BA - Music - CSUN
2007 - BA/Mus - Winthrop University
2007 - Licentiate in Piano Performance - BC Conservatory of Music
2007 - Bachelors in Music - Illinois Wesleyan University
2006 - Master's in Piano Performance and Pedagogy - Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine
2006 - Master of music - University of Montreal
2006 - Music Performance - Cambrian College
2006 - MA - McGill University
2006 - MM - Indiana University
2006 - Bachelor - Université de Genève (Suisse)
2006 - diplome d'initiation musical - Conservatoire de Genève
2006 - diplome de pedagogie d'initiation musicale - Conservatoire de Geneve
2006 - Elementary Montessori Diploma - Toronto Montessori Institute
2006 - B.Mus - Western Ontario
2006 - Bachelor - University of Toronto
2006 - Bachelor of Music - University of Western Ontario
2006 - MMus - University of Victoria
2006 - Professional Diploma - Matanzas Professional Music School
2006 - Degree - Berklee College of Music
2006 - Music Performance - Mohawk College
2006 - Bachelor's of Music Therapy - Capilano University
2006 - Baccalaureate - Ploiest Art College
2006 - Diplôme Supérieur - Ècole Normale de Musique de Paris
2006 - Lifetime Membership - Leschetizky Association
2006 - Lifetime Membership - National Federation of Music Clubs
2006 - Master of Music - Illinois State Univeristy
2006 - Kodaly level 1 - Georgia State University, Atlanta
2005 - Master Degree - Shandong Arts college, China
2005 - Bachelors - Kaliningrad State Music College
2005 - B. Music - Folkwang University of the Arts
2005 - MMus - University of Western Ontario
2005 - Bachelors of Arts in Music Education - Vanguard University of Southern California
2005 - BM Music Performance - University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
2005 - MMus - University of Victoria
2005 - Master's in Classical Music - University of Art
2005 - Master's degree - National Music Academy of Ukraine named after Tchaikovsky
2005 - Masters of Music (Concours) - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2005 - Bachelor of Education (Music) - University of Toronto
2005 - Doctor of Philosophy (Music) - University of Western Ontario
2005 - BA - National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
2005 - Bachelor of Music - University of Victoria
2005 - Bachelor of Music - University of Alberta
2005 - Bachelor of Education - Western University
2005 - Bachelor of Education - Primary/Junior - with Primary Music - University of Western
2004 - Master of Arts in Teaching Music - Portland State University
2004 - Bachelor of Music - University of Western Ontario
2004 - Master's Degree - Gnesin Russian Academy of Music
2004 - Certificate in Marketing - Mount Saint Vincent University
2004 - Honours Bachelor of Music - Wilfrid Laurier
2004 - ARCT - RCM
2004 - PostGraduate Certification of Education - Greenwich University
2004 - BM - Northwestern University
2004 - Member, College of Examiners - The Royal Conservatory
2004 - BEd - OISE University of Toronto
2004 - Bachelor's Degree - University of North Texas
2004 - BMus - UPEI
2004 - Bachelor of Music Therapy with Internship - University of Windsor
2004 - Bachelor - U of C
2004 - Doctor of Musical Arts - University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
2004 - Masters Degree - Southern Methodist University
2004 - Bachelor of Music - Colorado State University
2004 - Masters of Arts - York University
2004 - Bachelor of Music - The University of Toronto
2004 - Associate (ATCL) Diploma - Trinity College London, England
2004 - Bachelor of Music - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
2004 - Bachelor of Music - McMaster University
2003 - Level 10 Theory - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2003 - Bachelor in Music - Azad University in Tehran,Iran
2003 - Journalism Print and Broadcast Diploma - Humber College
2003 - Master of Music - Northern Illinois University
2003 - Associate with College of Organists - MR Organ Academy
2003 - BA (Music) - University of Western Ontario
2003 - Masters in piano performance - University of Minnesota
2003 - Bachelor of Science - Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN
2003 - National Professor - National College of Music, Rosario, Argentina
2003 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
2003 - Bachelor degree in Music education - George Enescu University of Arts
2003 - MMus - University of Toronto
2003 - BMUS - M.K.Oginsky Music Institute of Belarus
2003 - Certified MYC Teacher - Music for Young Children
2003 - MM - University of Michigan
2003 - B.A. with Distinction Philosophy - Carleton University
2003 - Master of Music - Royal Holloway University of London
2003 - BMusED - UWO
2003 - Bachelors of Music (Fin III) - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
2003 - Diploma - Amadeo Roldán Conservatory
2003 - D.M.A. - The Ohio State University
2002 - Bachelor of music - Kazan State Conservatory
2002 - BMus - Western University
2002 - Masters - UW-Milwaukee
2002 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
2002 - Master of Music - University of Utah
2002 - piano certification - Conservatoire de Geneve
2002 - B.A. Music - Trinity Western University
2002 - BMus - University of Victoria
2002 - M. Arts - Uvic
2002 - Non Degree Opera Studio Course - Morley College, London UK
2002 - B.A. - Grace College
2002 - Doctor of Music Arts - University of California, Santa Barbara
2002 - B.Com - University of Toronto
2002 - Level 10 Piano - The Royal Conservatory of Music
2002 - Diplôme Supérieur - Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris Alfred Cortot
2001 - Bachelor Degree - Shandong Normal University, China
2001 - Bachelor's of Arts - The Master's University
2001 - Bachelor of Music - University of British Columbia
2001 - Associates in Applied Science - Houston Community College
2001 - MM - USC-Thornton School of Music
2001 - Bachelors Degree - University of Illinois
2001 - Business Marketing Diploma - Humber College
2001 - BMus - University of Toronto
2001 - BM Voice - University of "Sts Cyril and Methodius" R. of Macedonia
2001 - Music School Certificate - Music School of Belarus
2001 - Master of Business Administration - York
2001 - Post Graduate Degree - Royal College of Music, London, UK
2001 - Bachelor of Music - Carleton University
2001 - B.Mus - University of Windsor
2001 - ARCT - RCM
2001 - Bachelor - Universidade de São Paulo
2001 - Doctorate of Musical Arts - University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music
2000 - Associate in Piano Performance (Music) - Conservatory Canada
2000 - Bachelor of Music Education - Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
2000 - Bachelor of Piano Performance - Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
2000 - Masters Degree - New England Conservatory of Music
2000 - Music for Young Children - Music for Young children
2000 - Bachelor of Education - York University
2000 - Bachelors Degree - University of Illinois
2000 - DMA - University of Southern California
1999 - Piano Pedagogy - RCM
1999 - Master of Music - Univ. of British Columbia
1999 - Grade 5 - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
1999 - Grade 6 - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
1999 - Preparatory Beginner Test - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
1999 - Bachelor in Music Pedagogy - Sofia University, Bulgaria
1999 - Bachelor in Piano Performance - National Music Academy, bulgaria
1999 - Hons. Bachelor of Fine Arts - York University
1999 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1999 - Pedagogy and Performance - Westminster Choir College of Rider University
1999 - Bachelor of Music - Ball State University
1999 - Bachelor of Science - Ball State University
1999 - Bachelor of Music - University of Utah
1999 - Master of Music - University of Western Ontario
1999 - Bachelors - UN-Kearney
1999 - M.A. - Western Illinois University
1999 - Bachelor of Christian Studies and Music - North American Baptist College
1998 - Bachelor - Institute of Music named after R. Glier, Kyiv, Ukraine
1998 - Bachelor of Music - University of British Columbia
1998 - Diploma Elementary Level - Vocational Elementary Art School Alfonso Perez Isaac
1998 - Bachelor's Degree - Rimsky-Korsakov College of Music
1998 - Associateship - Trinity College London
1998 - AVCM Diploma for Teachers - Victoria Conservatory of Music
1998 - Bachelor of Music - Manhattan School of Music
1998 - BMus - Brandon University
1998 - Master of Arts - California State University
1998 - Certificate - Centennial College
1998 - Post Graduate Diploma - Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory
1998 - Grade 8 - ABRSM
1998 - MM - University of Southern California
1998 - Master of Music - Indiana University School of Music
1998 - Performer's Certificate - Indiana University School of Music
1997 - ARCCO - Royal Canadian College of Organists
1997 - Bmus - University of Toronto
1997 - B. Music - University of Idaho
1997 - Bachelor Degree - Melitopol State Pedagogical University
1997 - Artist Diploma - Univ. of Toronto
1997 - Bachelor - National University of Mexico
1997 - Bachelor of Music - University of Windsor
1997 - BM - University of Music-Mozarteum
1997 - Piano Performance Pedagogy - Kingston College of Music (London)
1997 - Master of Music - University of Toronto
1997 - Doctor of Musical Arts - University of British Columbia
1997 - Music - University of British Columbia
1997 - Bachelor of Arts (Honours Music) - Dalhousie University/University of King’s College
1997 - Bachelor - McMaster University
1996 - Bachelor of Arts - Acadia University
1996 - MMus - University of Toronto
1996 - Master of Music - Indiana University Bloomington
1996 - Bachelor of Music - Mount Allison University
1996 - Grade 10 Conservatory - RCM
1996 - Bachelor of Commerce - Ryerson
1996 - Piano Performer - London college of Music
1996 - Social Diploma - National Guild of Piano Teachers
1996 - Professional Certification - Music Teachers National Association
1996 - Bachelor/Diploma - Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory
1996 - BM - University of Southern California
1995 - Bachelor of Music - Indiana University
1995 - Bachelor of Music - Indiana University School of Music
1995 - B. Mus. - Wilfrid Laurier University
1995 - Publisher's License - American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
1995 - ATCL - Trinity College, London
1995 - B. Sc - Ryerson University
1995 - Bachelor of Arts Music Education - Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife
1995 - Advanced Rudiments - Royal Conservatory of Music
1995 - Diploma LPRCM - Royal Conservatory of Music
1995 - B Mus - McGill University
1995 - Bachelor of Arts in Music - University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
1995 - GPD Opera - Peabody Conservatory
1994 - Master of Music - Odessa State Conservatory of Music
1994 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
1994 - Master of Music - New England Conservatory
1994 - Masters - State University of New York/Stony Brook
1994 - Bachelors of Arts - Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN
1994 - M.Mus - Western
1994 - Grade 3 Conservatory - RCM
1994 - Grade 9 Conservatory - RCM
1994 - Lifetime Membership - Suzuki Association of the Americas
1994 - Master of Music - The Juilliard School
1994 - Voice Performance Diploma - Royal Conservatory of Music
1994 - Bachelor Degree, BBA and Music - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1994 - Major BBA, Minor Music - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1993 - Level10 - Guildhall School of Music and Drama
1993 - Examiner - Royal Conservatory of Music-RCME
1993 - Bachelor - Indiana University
1993 - Master of Music - Ithaca College
1993 - Piano performer - Royal Conservatory of Music
1993 - Graduate Performers Certificate - Texas Christian University, School of Music
1993 - Masters - Univeristy of Michigan
1993 - BFA - York University
1993 - BMus - University of British Columbia
1993 - BM Voice - DePauw University
1992 - B.M - Boston University
1992 - B.Ed (music), FTCL, GTCL, A.Mus.TCL, LTCL - B.C. Conservatory of Music
1992 - Bachelor of Music - McGill University
1992 - Master of Music - Texas Christian University, School of Music
1992 - Special Music School Diploma - Minsk, Belarus,USSR
1992 - B. Mus. - Brandon University
1992 - Bachelor of Mathematics - University of Waterloo
1992 - Master of Music - Indiana University
1992 - Master of Music - San Francisco Conservatory of Music
1992 - Diploma of Fine Arts - University of Calgary
1992 - Graduate Performance Studies - Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University
1991 - Bachelor of Music - Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University
1991 - B Ed (Vocal) - The University of Western Ontario
1991 - JMC Teacher Diploma - Yamaha Canada
1991 - Master of Music - University of Cincinnati
1991 - B. Mus - Wilfrid Laurier University
1991 - Masters - Dominican University
1991 - Bachelors - University of British Columbia
1991 - Master of Arts - University of Helsinki
1991 - M. Mus - McGill University
1990 - Diploma - ABRSM
1990 - Diploma - Victoria Conservatory of Music
1990 - Bachelor of Arts - Acadia University
1990 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1990 - Master degree in piano teaching and piano performing - Azerbaidjan State Conservatory
1990 - Bachelor of Music Education - Temple University
1990 - Bachelor in Music - San Francisco Conservatory of Music
1990 - Licenciate Diploma - Trinity College of Music
1990 - Licentiate Performer's Diploma - Trinity College of Music
1989 - Grade 7 with Honors Voice - Trinity College of Music, London, UK
1989 - Specialist in Music - University of Toronto
1989 - Composition - Royal Conservatory to The Hague, The Netherlands
1989 - Artist Diploma - The Royal Conservatory of Music , Glenn Gould School
1989 - Master of Music - New England Conservatory
1989 - Bachelor of Music - Eastman School of Music
1989 - Associate Performer's Diploma - Trinity College of Music, London
1989 - Associate Performer's Diploma - Trinity College of Music, London, UK
1989 - Master of Music - The Wichita State University
1989 - Piano Performance Certificate - Trinity College of Music (London)
1989 - B.Mus - Wilfrid Laurier
1989 - Bachelor of Music - Andrews University, Michigan
1989 - Master of Music - University of British Columbia
1989 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1989 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1988 - Bachelor of Music - California State University, Northridge
1988 - B.Mus.(1st Class Honour) - University of Louisiana
1988 - B.Mus/B. Mus Ed. - Memorial Universtity Of Newfoundland
1988 - Bachelor of Music - Odessa State Music College
1988 - LTCL Licentiate Diploma - Trinity College of Music, London, U.K.
1988 - ARCT - RCM
1988 - Grade 10 - RCM
1988 - Bachelor of Music - The University of Auckland, School of Music
1988 - Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
1988 - Piano pedagogy and chamber ensemble player - Latvian Music Academy
1988 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1988 - Bachelor of Music - UBC
1988 - Mus.Bac - U of T
1988 - Bachelor of Education - University of Calgary
1987 - Master of Music - The Juilliard School
1987 - B. Mus. (with honours) - University of Victoria
1987 - Diploma - Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue
1987 - M.Music - Brandon University MB
1987 - Licentiate - Trinity College of Music
1987 - Teacher Diploma - Yamaha Music Foundation
1987 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
1987 - Graduate Studies - U.S.C.
1987 - Bachelor of Music - The Eastman School of Music
1987 - Bachelor - St.Petersburg Conservatory
1987 - Bachelor of Arts - Central Conservatory of Music
1987 - BME - Stetson University
1987 - Diplom Liedklasse - Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Stuttgart, Germany
1987 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1986 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1986 - M.M. - The Hartt School of Music
1986 - Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Degree - University of Toronto
1986 - B. Mus. - U.B.C.
1986 - Bachelor of Arts - Goshen College
1986 - Bachelor of Music - The Juilliard School
1986 - Hon BMus (Perf) - The University of Western Ontario
1986 - B.F.A. - York University
1986 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1985 - M.M. - University of Michigan
1985 - LTCL (Licentiate of Trinity College of London - Trinity College of London
1985 - MYC teacher - Music for Young Children
1985 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1984 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1984 - Bachelor of Music - Oberlin College Conservatory
1984 - ATCL Associate Diploma - Trinity College of Music, London, U.K.
1984 - Bachelor of Music - University of Toronto
1984 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1984 - Bachelor of Music - University of the Philippines College of Music
1984 - Bachelor of Music - University of Western Ontario
1984 - Bachelor of Music - Roosevelt University
1984 - Associate of Mount Royal Conservatory - Mount Royal University (formerly Mount Royal College)
1984 - Bachelor of Art - University of Minnesota
1983 - 3 Year Diploma - Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue
1983 - B.M. - Wheaton Conservatory of Music
1983 - MusBac - University of Toronto
1983 - Associate of the Trinity College of Music - Trinity College of Music
1983 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1983 - master - U Of Western Ontario
1982 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1982 - Master of Music - Musikhochschule Cologne, Germany
1982 - Certificate - Private - Jugendmusikschule Worms
1982 - Certificate - Private - Universitaet Mannheim
1982 - Diploma - Rudy-Stephan Gymnasium Worms
1982 - Bachelor of Music - University of B.C.
1981 - Bachelor of Music - University of Alberta
1981 - Royal Conservatory of Music - RCM
1980 - Certficate - Private - Jugendmusikschule Worms
1980 - Bachelor of Arts - University of Toronto
1979 - B. Music - Ohio State University
1978 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1978 - Doctor candidate - Russia, Moscow, Gnessin Russian Academy of Music
1978 - BA - Calvin College
1978 - Bachelor of Sacred Music - Canadian Mennonite University
1978 - B.Mus - McGill
1978 - L.Mus. - McGill
1977 - m,sc - U of Wroclaw,Poland
1977 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1977 - Artist Diploma - Franz Liszt Academy of Music - Budapest
1976 - master - Russia, Ufa Ismagilov Academy of the Arts
1976 - Bachelor of Music - Honours Performance - University of Western Ontario
1975 - bachelor of music piano performance - u of Toronto
1975 - B Mus iEd - University of Saskatchewan
1974 - BMus - Oberlin Conservatory
1974 - Bachelor of Music (Harp Performance) - University of Michigan
1974 - MA - Queen's University
1974 - premier medaille -dictation, solfege, - Conservatoire de Musique - Que
1972 - BA(Hons) - U of Winnipeg
1972 - L. Mus. - U. of Manitoba
1972 - ARCT equvalent - K.Szymanowski Music Academy Wroclaw Poland
1972 - MMus - University of Victoria
1971 - Bachelor - Russia, Krasnodar Rimsky-Korsakov Music College
1971 - B.Mus - Wilfred Laurier University
1971 - B.Mus. - Wilfred Laurier University
1971 - ARCT/Performer's - RCM
1970 - A. Mus.Performance - U. of Manitoba
1969 - ARCT Performer's - RCM
1969 - ARCT - Royal Conservatory of Music
1969 - BMus - University of British Columbia
Professional development
Early Childhood Music Education - Suzuki Method - 2016
Kodaly Teaching Certification Level 1 - I am certified to teach Kodaly Music programs to students in Div 1 (preschool - grade 3) - 2014
Elementary Piano Teacher Specialist Course - Coursework and Analysis of RCM Levels A to 4. - 2017
Advanced Rudiments - Royal Conservatory of Music - 1995
RCM Summer Summit 2015 - Excellence in Piano Teaching - 2015
Intro to Dalcroze/Kodaly/Orff - Winter term overview course at Queen's University in the methods of Dalcroze, Kodaly, and Orff - 2015
Training - Music development adjudicator - 2012
Practical Piano Pedagogy 2016 - Piano lessons, pedagogy lessons and interactive discussions - 2016
Introducing the New Piano Syllabus - Current repertoire announced by the Royal Conservatory of Toronto -
Choral Conducting - Private with Jonathan Schorr - 2014
Audio Production and Engineering Diploma - Audio Production and Engineering - full year program taken at Metalworks Institute - 2008
Graduate Certificate in Vocal Pedagogy - University of Minnesota studies in vocal pedagogy and voice science - 2008
Introduction to Music Teaching and Learning - This course outlines the skills teachers need to have to accommodate all different ages and learning types of students. It is taken by folks wanting to focus in music education. - 2021
Advanced Specialist - Royal Conservatory of Music - 2015
Contemporary Idioms Workshop - Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms Workshop - 2010
MYC Levels 1-3 - Early Childhood Music Program - 1997
Certified Fraud Examiner - Fraud investigator - 2019
CD Recording - Mirror Image - 2004
Opera Studio Course - Two year of Opera Performance Specialization - 2002
Adjudicator Training Program - Royal Conservatory - 2008
Dalcroze teacher training - Early childhood music education - 2008
Teacher Certification - Music for Young Children - 2008
Music Garten - Early years music program - 2012
Antique Music Course - Specialist in Baroque and Classical Music interpretation - 2012
Ontario Registered Music Teacher Association - SPECIAL TEACHER AWARDS - 2010
Pedagogy for Experienced Teachers - Winifred Wood's course at VCM - 1990
MTNA National Certification in Piano Teaching - - 2019
Calgary Opera - Emerging Artist Program - 2010
Summer summit - Piano conference - 2012
High Five: Principles of Healthy Child Development - A one-day training focusing on principles of health child development to ensure adults understand what they need to do to ensure each child’s social, emotional and cognitive needs are met. - 2008
"Rivers #3: Creative Music in Education" by Canadian Music Centre - Canadian Music workshop - 2023
Artist Educator - Foundations - 2012
Intermediate Piano Pedagogy course - Taught by Dr. Jie Lu at University of Utah - 2021
Particular Tutoring in Laval University with Pianist Arturo Nieto-Dorantes - Studied during one semester with Mexican Pianist and Piano Faculty Director in Laval University (Quèbec) Arturo Nieto-Dorantes - 2006
Music Together Teacher Training Certification - - 2010
RCM Elementary Piano Teaching - - 2020
Every Child Can! - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Shinobu Saito - 2009
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity - Musical Theatre Intensive Program - 2013
Member of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra - Joined in 1996- present - 1996
Epik teacher training - Intensive 2 week teacher trainings in Jeonju, South Korea - 2018
ASTA National Conference - National Conference of American String Teachers' Association (online) - 2021
Suzuki Guitar - Suzuki Guitar Teacher Certification - 2015
Piano Private lessons - University of Alberta - 2017
Music Mind Games Level 1 Training - Music theory for elementary education - 2013
Certificate in Keybord Injury Prevention - Injury Prevention - 2014
Mindful Educator Essentials - Course on teaching mindfully and teaching mindfulness. - 2017
Teaching Elementary Piano - - 2019
Lessons in the Taubman approach - Biomechanical understanding of piano-playing, linking the physical with the artistic - 2017
Kelly Kirby Teacher Training - Group piano class - 1995
29thISME Bejing - participant in various seminars, lectures, concerts - 2010
Examiner Certification - Preparation for acceptance into the College of Examiners - 2009
Music Together - Qualified to teach Music Together - 2016
Certificate of Arts Management in Community Institutions - National Guild of Community Arts Education - 1998
Cello Professor - Capital University - Columbus, Ohio - 2000
Bach Suites - Tanya Carey - 2021
Yamaha Teaching Certificate - in Japan - 1996
2017 Summer Summit - Transform Your Teaching - 2017
RCM Elementary Music Specialist Course - Teacher Certification Received August 2016 - 2016
Ontario Teacher's Qualifications - Special Education - 1991
Amazon Publishing - I added three new publications! Keyboard Christmas, Keyboard Warrior, and Boogie Fingers Songbook. Click to see/buy them: - 2020
"The Best of Show and Most Promising Talent" - Awarded by Armenian Allied Arts Annual Competition, LA, USA - 2014
Elementary Piano Pedagogy - Piano Education, RCM - 2010
Songwriting - Grove School of Music - 1987
RCM Elementary Piano Pedagogy - Developed skills relating to RCM Piano levels A, B, and 1-4 - 2018
The Art of Teaching Theory, Level 5 - Professional Development Webinar - 2018
Every Child Can - Suzuki Training Introduction with Ann Montzka Smelser - 2014
Canadian Music Competition - 2nd Prize - 2019
Certificate of Achievement - Suzuki Association - 2017
MYC Level 1 Seminar - This week-long course lays the foundation of the teacher’s knowledge and ability to understand, teach and apply the MYC Method, covering MYC specific pre-teaching techniques, MYC Critters (keyboard and rhythm) and lesson planning. - 2021
Godlansky Institute - 30+ hours online instruction on piano technique, artistic interpretation, teaching beginners effectively - 2022
Orff Schulwerk Level 1 - Level 1 Orff Schulwerk certification - 2016
Heart-Based Singing - Voice Teacher - 2016
RCM Level 1 Piano - - 2022
ARCT Performance exam - Performers exam in piano - 1983
8.02X: Jazz Appreciation - University of Texas, Austin - 2015
Associated Board Royal Schools of Music, London (ABRSM) - Registarion of candidates for Piano and Voice - 2013
Royal conservatory - student exams completed levels 1 through 10, honors and above - 2018
Online Teaching & Learning - Regent Park School of Music - 2020
DEA - Ethnomusicologie à l'université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) - 2005
Accompaniment - How to Accompany singers and violinists - 2016
Fall 2022 Webinars Series - Series of eight weekly webinars that provided level-by-level guide to teaching with Piano Syllabus, 2022 Edition and Celebration Series, Sixth Edition repertoire. - 2022
Masters Music Therapy - - 2019
Music Together Teacher Training - Early Childhood Music and Movement Training Course - 2013
25th full time season at COC. - over 1000 performances with the Canadian Opera Company. '97-23 - 2023
Harmony music school - teach private piano - 2014
All Together Now - Group Class Teaching for the Suzuki Teachers - - 2017
Brampton Music Theatre - Accompanied cast for shows at the Rose Theatre - 2012
Académie Musicale Internationale “Barbara Krakauer” - Vaison-la-Romaine, France - 2006
McPhee Artist - I was a McPhee Artist with Calgary Opera in 2020-2022. I trained and performed with the Company during this time as a Mezzo Soprano. - 2020
Certificated Program - Major in music, piano and piano pedagogy, in The College of Saint Rose, Albany NY - 2011
Britten Pears Young Artist Program - The Britten Pears Program shapes vocalists with elite training, mentorship, and performances in Aldeburgh, England focusing on versatility and collaboration under top industry professionals. - 2011
Carnegie Hall Tour - Prepared and audited Carnegie Hall tour for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. - 2019
Mozarteum Sommerakademie - Salzburg, Austria - 2019
Music Cinference Alberta - 2 days of pd for music teachers - 2017
Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival - Burlington, Vermont - 2014
Building Cognitive Skills - RCM Webinar - 2024
Teaching Elementary Violin - RCM's course for teaching elementary violin - 2024
Celebrate Theory - Teacher workshop - 2016
Kingdom Key Movement III Composition - Kingdom Key Movement III Composition - Musical Work - 2023
Suzuki Book 9-10 - Teacher Training - 2019
Self Guided Teaching Elementery Piano Course - This course covered pedagogy techniques, as well as introduced excellent repertoire for students. - 2023
Ask the Examiners: Questions and Answers - Learned tips to help my students succeed in their piano/theory studies from Chief Examiner Emeritus Maria Case and Senior Harmony Specialist Dr. Julia Galieva-Szokolay. - 2024
MTNA - National Conference - 2023
Business of Music Teaching, Masterclasses - ORMTA - Convention - 2014
Film Scoring Summer Program - • Composed four pieces for live recording sessions • Participated in a variety of lectures from industry professionals • Received private instruction on orchestration from Norman Ludwin and Christo Pavlov - 2020
cello -private instruction - lessons with Daniel Domb - 2013
Instruments and Children - Focus on Orff pedagogy - 2015
RCM Teaching Retreat - The Royal Conservatory of Music - 2024
RCM Violin Symposium - The Royal Conservatory of Music - 2022
Teaching Elementary Piano - Elementary piano pedagogy - 2023
Hart House Orchestra - cello section - 2014
Palomar Film Music Workshop - • Composed scores for a variety of short scenes with instruction from Larry Groupé and Roger Neill • Participated in a variety of lectures from industry professionals & a live recording session of my final composition - 2019
RCM Summer Summit - Summer Summit at the RCM in Toronto - 2016
CelebratingTheory: An Essential Component of the Musician’s Journey - Review the importance of integrating theory into the practical lesson. For example looking at some of the following when teaching a piano piece or study: intervals, chords, the structure, the harmonic activity and the rhythmic activity, Alberti Bass. - 2024
Suzuki violin book 1 - Teacher Training - 2004
Memories of a Demon Slayer Composition - Memories of a Demon Slayer Composition - 2023
Elementary Theory Quizzes - RCM webinar - 2024
Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival - Burlington, Vermont - 2015
Orford Musique Academy - Orford, Quebec - 2018
Instituto Musicale Grosetto, Italy - Attended over 100 hours of masterclasses for advanced piano music including piano concerti. Teachers: E. Skovorodnikov, G. Otto, A. Cristopanatis - 2017
Certified by MTNA - National Certified Teacherof Music in Piano - 2019
Opera on the Avalon - I took part in Opera on the Avalon's program of multiple years between 2010-2015 where I trained and performed in operas and opera scenes. - 2015
Artistry and Innovation - RCM Summer Summit - 2019
Choral Conducting Symposium - Sang with graduate students from the University of Toronto - 2014
Every Child Can! - - 2012
MYC Certificate - Music For Young Children(MYC) - 2015
Canadian Opera Company Soprano - Full time performer/singer with the COC since 1997. In over 100 operas. - 1997
RCM Teaching Elementary Piano Course - RCM Piano Teaching Course for Prep A - Level 4 - 2019
Piano Pedagogy webinar - Irina Gorin Institute, webinar about how to work with Irina Gorin piano books for the beginners. “Tales of Musical Journey”. - 2023
BCRMTA Conference - Music Seminars/Lectures - 2012
Founder and Director of Music Language School - Teaching Piano one-on-one lesson till July 2019 when relocated to Canada - 2013
LA ROCHE D’HYS: DOMAINE DES ARTS - An elite workshop and masterclass series at La Roche d'Hys Domaine des Arts, in Burgundy, France. This intensive "bootcamp" for advanced singers and pianists fosters artistic growth and focuses on repertoire mastery and performance excellence. - 2008
Beethoven Sonata Courses - On-line, Curtis Institute, taught by Jonathan Biss - 2018
ARCT Performers exam - Performers exam in voice - 2015
RCM Level 1 Theory - - 2022
Orff Schulwerk Certification - Level 1 - 2015
Piano Foundation Formula - Piano Course created by Carmen Morin - 2023
RCM Teaching Online Certificate Course - - 2020
Nationally Certified Teacher of Music - MTNA - 2006
ClaviCologne Masterclass - Lessons with Pavel Gililov, Michel Béroff, Andreas Groethuysen, Giuliano Mazzocante - 2022
Suzuki Piano Level 1 - Suzuki Piano Book 1 Certification with Caroline Fraser - 2014
The Art of Teaching Theory, Level 8 - Professional Development Webinar - 2018
Orff Introduction - Music Education, RCM - 2010
1st Prize - Senior Piano Performer by Armenian Allied Arts Annual Competition - 2014
Permanent Professional Certification - Music Teachers National Association - 2011
Secondary Teacher’s Qualifications - English - 1993
RCM Intermediate Specialist Course - Teacher Certifcation Received August 2017 - 2017
2019 Summer Summit - Artistry and Innovation - 2019
Book 1 - Suzuki Teacher Training - 2012
Cello Professor/Chamber Music coach/Music Theory Prof./Music History Prof./Pre-service teacher preparation - Mount St. Joseph University - 2006
Keyboard Pedagogy Summit - Professional Development - 2010
30th ISME - presenting "Multicuturalsm as a basis for teaching in Canada - 2012
Music For Young children Teacher Training - Group piano class - 2003
Lessons in the Taubman approach - see above - 2018
Mindfulness Fundamentals - Course on the fundamentals of mindfulness. - 2016
Piano Private Lessons - University of Alberta - 2018
ASTA National Conference - National Conference of American String Teachers' Association (online) - 2022
TEFL - teaching english in a foreign language - 2018
National Ballet of Canada - 1st Violins - 1994
New York University - Vocal Pedagogy Intensive - 2015
Suzuki Violin Unit 1 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Ann Montzka Smelser - 2011
Particular Tutoring in Mexico City with Pianist Mauricio Náder - Studied during 5 years with Mexican Pianist Mauricio Náder - 2013
Piano Intern at Washington and Uintah Elementary - Responsible for teaching group piano lessons - 2018
"The Art of Rubato: The Musical Expression of Tempo" by Chad Twedt - Performance practices online course - 2022
Orff-Afrique - A 5 day supplemental course offered through BC Orff focusing on Ghanaian drumming, songs, and dance. - 2013
RCM Intermediate Piano Certification Course - - 2016
Yamaha Junior Music Course - early years music for children - 2008
Suzuki Harp - Book 1 & 2 Training Course - 2000
Studio Recording - Live - 2010
Chartered Accountant - Chartered Accountant - 1999
Private Lessons - Continued private pedagogy Lessons - 2011
Intensive Opera Summer School - Participated in Vocal Workshops and Alexander Technique Workshops - 2017
Senior Examiner - RCM - 2002
Music Teacher - I have been teaching privately and through Quest Music Studios for five complete years in the summer of 2022. - 2017
Musik Garten Certified Instructor - Early Childhood and Movement - 2010
BME-120a Harmonic Ear Training - Harmony Ear Training course - Berklee College of Music - 2013
Music for Young Children - Teacher training - 2012
Junior Music Course - Certified Yamaha teacher for the Junior Music Course program - 2014
RCM Summer Summit 2013 - Teacher Professional Development - 2013
Elementary Piano - Royal Conservatory of Music - 2018
Grade 7 Piano - Royal Conservatory of Music - 1990
RCM Summer Summit 2014 - Inspired Teaching with Technology - 2014
Young Musicians Course 1 - Certified Yamaha teacher for the Young Musicians Course program - 2014
BME-215 Performance Ear Training - Performance Ear Training course - Berklee College of Music - 2013
RCM Elementary Specialist - Elementary Piano Pedagogy (Preparatory through Level 4) - 2019
Private Lessons - Continued Private Pedagogy Lessons - 2012
Chartered Financial Analyst - CFA - 2007
Studio Recording - Refine - 2008
Suzuki Piano - Book 1 & 2 Training Course - 2004
Yamaha Junior Music Course - Early years music program - 2008
RCM Piano Summit - Toronto, Canada - 2015
"The Pedagogy of Creative Music Making" by Bradley Sowash - Piano Improvisation course - 2023
RCM Elementary Piano Teacher Course - Satisfies qualifications for Preparatory A- Level 4 - 2021
Particular Tutoring in New York City with Amina Figarova - Studied an intense course in Jazz and improvisation with Amina Figarova in NYC - 2019
Suzuki Violin Unit 1 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Marilyn O'Boyle - 2007
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra - 1st Violins - 1995
RCM Teacher's Summit - - 2017
Piano Private Lessons - University of Alberta - 2019
Lessons in the Taubman approach - see above - 2019
Suzuki Level 1 teacher training - Group piano class - 1996
re:Play 2012 - Attended National Conference of Carl Orff Canada. - 2012
31st ISME world conference "listening to the musical diversity of the world" - presentin the paper on "Hausmusik" - 2014
Summer Summit - Inspired Teaching with Technology - 2014
Cello Professor/Music Theory Prof./Music History Prof. - University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio - 2005
Book 4 - Suzuki Teacher Training - 2016
Professional Development Certificate - Teacher Professional Development Seminar - 2011
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 1A - 1994
2nd Prize - Piano Honor's Competition by CAMPT, LA, USA - 2014
Orff Level I - Music Education, RCM - 2011
Suzuki Piano Level 2 - Suzuki Piano Book 2 Certification with Mary Craig Powell - 2015
Frederic & Jocelyne Scheer Foundation - Scholarship - 2021
Suzuki Piano Teacher Trainer - - 2019
Teach Music Online - 20+ hours online instruction on teaching effective online lessons, Facebook and Instagram page development, studio organization - 2021
Orff Schulwerk Certification - Level 2 - 2019
RCM Level 3 Piano - - 2023
Became a member of SOCAN - Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada - 2005
Celebration Series 6th Edition - 8 lectures , Oct. and Nov. 2022, discussing new RCM piano books - 2022
Lyric Opera Studio of Weimar - A unique opera training programs that gives singers a realistic view into launching a career in the German theatre system. With a faculty who are successful artists and pedagogues who have international careers throughout Europe. - 2010
God bless Nigeria Concert - 50th Anniversay Concert in commemoration of Nigerian 50th Independence Anniversary. - 2010
BCRMTA Conference - Music Seminoars/Lectures - 2006
Summer professional development - Full day of training in Toronto Summer 2022 - 2022
Phileo Music - teach private piano and group class for theory - 2007
Suzuki Violin Unit 1 - - 2012
Conducting Symposium - Conducted Wind ensemble from York University - 2017
Becoming A Better Music Teacher - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music UK - 2022
Young Artist with Cedar Rapids Opera - In January 2018, I was a young artist with Cedar Rapids Opera where I performed in their Schools tour and in their mainstage production. - 2018
Nancymphonies, France - Attended over 100 hours of masterclasses for intermediate and advanced solo piano music. Teachers: H. Leclair, M. Koboyashi - 2018
Teaching Elementary Piano Course - Online - 2022
Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival - Burlington, Vermont - 2018
Sight and Ear Training Online Tool - RCM Webinar - 2024
Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement Recorded Performance - Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement Recorded Performance - 2023
Suzuki violin book 2 - Teacher Training - 2005
Discovering Harmony at the Keyboard - Discovered how the study of harmony comes to life at the keyboard, including lead-sheet reading, the art of arranging, and development of practical skills. Created a lead sheet from a L1 piano piece. Reviewed cadential progressions and sequences. - 2024
RCM Symposium - Summer Session with Randall Faber and others in Toronto - 2012
PRISMA Academy - • Received chamber music coaching from the Lafayette String Quartet and Arthur Arnold as well as performing and receiving private instruction and masterclasses • Attended lectures from industry professionals - 2021
Orchestra Toronto - cello section - 2016
Starling-DeLay Violin Studies Symposium - The Juilliard School, New York - 2019
piano - Stephane Lemlin, coach - Community Music Week - 2023
Screen Music Program - • Participated in a variety of lectures from industry professionals • Received personal feedback and coaching from Clint Bajakian, Alison Plante, and Paolo Tortiglione - 2021
The Art of Assessment with Dr. John Burge - A three hour workshop where teachers assess performances and then are assessed themselves by Dr. Burge. ORMTA Ottawa Region Branch sponsored. - 2014
Don Pasquale - In May , I attended Donizetti’s opera, ‘Don Pasquale’(Canadian Opera Company production). - 2024
Suzuki violin book 3 - Teacher Training - 2006
One Day Piano Composition - One Day Piano Composition - Musical Work - 2023
Smart Start Info - RCM webinar - 2024
Internationale Sommerakademie Universität Mozarteum - Salzburg, Austria - 2019
Perugia Music Festival, Italy - Audited over 100 hours of masterclasses for advanced piano repertoire including piano concertos. Instructors: Eitan Globertson, Asaf Zohar, Alexander Moutouskine, Ian Jones, David Fung, Jerome Lowenthal and XinXin - 2023
Being A Flexible Music Teacher - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music UK - 2024
Conducting Symposium - Conducted York University's Wind Ensemble - 2016
Suzuki Violin Unit 2 - - 2016
RCM Teacher Certification - Elementary - 2016
The Secrets of The First Steps of “ Hello Piano” Method - Tips and tricks on how to work with “ Hello Piano Method” by Irina Mints. - 2021
BCRMTA Conference - Professional Development - 2016
Kodaly - Chorale conducting, Folk songs ensemble, Musicainship - 2006
Toronto Summer Music Festival - The Toronto Summer Music Festival provides vocalists an enriching training program with expert instruction, performance opportunities, and a focus on artistic growth in a dynamic, cultural atmosphere. - 2008
Collaborating with Computers - CFMTA course on the use of computers with teaching music. Aug.8-9., 7 hours - 2022
Solo Dowland Project - Recorded CD with Tenor YC Lee and Pianist Mario Ostrowski - 2018
RCM Level 3 Theory - - 2023
Teach Music Online - 40+ hours online instruction on teaching lessons online, studio organization, newsletter writing, professional imagine, website design and updating - 2022
Isidor Basic Piano Memorial Competition - - 2021
Suzuki Piano Level 3 - Suzuki Piano Book 3 Certification with Mary Craig Powell - 2015
Orff Level II - Music Education, RCM - 2013
Dean's Honor List - Academic Achievement, Thornton School of Music, USC - 2017
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 1B - 1994
Book 5 - Suzuki Teacher Training - 2019
Cello Teacher Trainer - Suzuki Association of the Americas - 2013
Teacher Professional Development Seminar - Professional Development - 2012
Coimbra Piano Festival - Master classes with leading piano teachers - 2016
Student Teacher Auxiliary (2010-present) - Member of the Student Teacher Auxiliary of the Vancouver British Columbia Music Teachers Association. Organize, plan and attend monthly meetings on a variety of music education topics including composition, teaching jazz piano, music history, health etc - 2010
Piano Private Lessons - University of Alberta - 2020
Suzuki Violin Unit 1 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Nancy Lokken - 2010
Particular Tutoring with Javier Constenla vía Online, in Galicia, Spatin - Studied during 10 months a course in Composition and Improvisation with Javier Constenla - 2020
Baroque Dance with Natasha Finlay - Piano performance workshop - 2016
RCM Workshop - Introduction to new programs - 2015
BMPR-102 Sound Design for the Electronic Musician - Sound Design for the Electronic Musician - Berklee College of Music - 2006
Young Musicians Course 2/Junior Extension Course 1 - Level up training for Yamaha's YMC 2/JXC 1 stream - 2015
RCM Summer Summit 2017 - Transform Your Teaching - 2017
Grade 8 Piano - Royal Conservatory of Music - 1991
BMPR-123 Mixing and Mastering with Pro Tools - Mixing and Mastering with Pro Tools - Berklee College of Music - 2012
Canadian Federation of Music Teachers Association: Connecting Canada National Conference - Piano Pedagogy Conference - 2021
Particular Tutoring with Pianist Marta García Renart - Studied during 10 years with Mexican Pianist Marta García Renart - 1996
Suzuki Violin Unit 1 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Shinobu Saito - 2009
Colaborative conference in Toronto - great opportunity to expand the teaching skills - 2007
Teacher Professional Development Summit - Professional Development - 2011
Book 8 - Suzuki Teacher Training - 2021
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 2 - 1994
Honorable Mention Certificate - Sonata/Sonatina Competition by Music Teacher's Association of California, LA, USA - 2015
Orff Level III - Music Education, RCM - 2019
Suzuki Piano Level 4 - Suzuki Piano Book 4 Certification with Mary Craig Powell - 2015
Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music - Graduating Solo Recital - 2022
The RCM Certificate Program: Inspiring the Well-Rounded Pianist - Exploration of the RCM certificate Program for Piano hosted by the Frances Clark Center - 2023
RCM Level 5 Voice - - 2022
Targa Newfoundland - Co-wrote the theme song for the show 'Targa Newfoundland' - 2005
Harnessing RCM Resources for Teaching Theory - May 25th course, understanding all resources available to students studying theory. - 2022
Vocal and Opera Techniques Workshop - This intensive 5-day workshop is designed to nurture and cultivate an undergraduate voice student’s development in a supportive, encouraging environment. Lead by Wendy Neilson and Tom Diamond. - 2009
MUSON ANNUAL SCHOOLS' COMPETITION - Won 1st place Elementary Choir category - 2013
BCRMTA Convention - Music Seminars/Lectures - 1998
Suzuki Piano Training - Suzuki piano training - 2014
Suzuki Violin Unit 3 - - 2017
Conducting Symposium - Played clarinet with York University's Wind Ensemble - 2015
Teacher Professional Development Seminar - Royal Conservatory of Music - - 2011
Piano Masterclass with Younggun Kim - Organized, prepared students, and audited an online Masterclass with Younggun Kim for intermediate and advanced piano repertoire. - 2021
Rolling In The Deep Piano Composition - Rolling In The Deep Piano Composition - Musical Work - 2025
Suzuki violin book 4 - Teacher Training - 2012
Exploring Melody Writing from Intermediate to Advanced Levels - Explored strategies for teaching melody writing, an important component of The RCM Theory curriculum, and a path to nurturing creativity. Reviewed the basic elements of melodic construction, question and answer phrases, and melodic improvisation (L5-6). - 2024
Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra Summer Academy - • Composed a piece for a quintet comprised of both western instruments and instruments from other cultures - 2017
Strings Attached Orchestra - Double Bass section - 2015
Toronto Summer Music - Jane Coop coach, weeklong session - 2019
Leadership Roundtable with Alexander Brose - Alexander Brose, President & CEO outlined his vision for the future. Shalisa Kline Ugaz, Executive Vice President, Learning Systems joined Alexander for a Q&A session and explored innovative strategies to integrate technology into teaching practices. - 2024
Suzuki violin book 5 and 6 - Teacher Training - 2013
The Kingdom Keys Movement II Composition - The Kingdom Keys Movement II Composition - Musical Work - 2023
Tsar's Village Festival, Russia - Attended over 100 hours of masterclasses and concerts for advanced piano solo music. Selected to perform in a Faculty concert. Teachers: H.P. Sicsic, V. Monastirsky, E. Skkovorodnikov. - 2013
Transform Your Teaching - RCM Teacher Certificate of Recognition - 2017
Keyboard Summit - Incorporating natural musicality into music lessons - 2013
Suzuki Violin Unit 4 - - 2018
BCRMTA Convention - Music Seminars/Lectures - 2002
MUSON SCHOOLS' COMPETITION - Won 1st place Elementary Choir Cateogy & Piano - 2014
Improvisation - Course with Josee Allard, masterclass on piano improvisation - 2023
Toronto Summer Music Academy - Piano Masterclass with James Anagnoson - 2015
RCM Level 8 Piano - - 2023
Tim Topham Music - 30+ hours online instruction teaching music online, studio organization, studio promotion, teaching composition - 2021
Livorno International Piano Competition - - 2022
Suzuki Piano Level 5 - Suzuki Piano Book 6 Certification with Mary Craig Powell - 2015
Musical Honorarium - Concert Dedicated to 100th commemoration of Armenian Genocide, LA, USA - 2015
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 3 - 1994
Books 2 and 3 - Suzuki Teacher Training - 2013
EAS at Academy of Music ,Gdansk,Poland - presenting " Polish/Canadian perspective on teaching" - 2011
Suzuki Violin Unit 2 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Shinobu Saito - 2009
Canadian Federation of Music Teachers Association: Connecting Canada National Conference - Piano Pedagogy conference - 2022
BMPR-165 Orchestration 1 - Orchestration course - Berklee College of Music - 2008
BMW-120 Lyric Writing: Tools and Strategies - Lyric writing course - Berklee College of Music - 2008
Chord Challenge by Elissa Milne - Music arrangement course - 2020
Suzuki Violin Unit 3 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Amy Matherly - 2014
EAS music education at schools - european experience in music education - 2013
Books 6 and 7 - Suzuki Teacher Training - 2018
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 4 - 1997
Suzuki Piano Level 6 - Suzuki Piano Book 6 Certification with Nancy Modell - 2016
Scholarships - Helen Nern, Dick Charles, Alicia Thorp, Markrouhi Jamgochian, Jane Knecht Memorial Scholarships for Academic Excellence, LA, USA - 2015
Meisterkurse Zwickau - Masterclass with Prof. Pavel Gililov - 2019
RCM Level 8 Theory - - 2022
Toronto Summer Music Community Academy - Chamber Music - 2019
Professional Development and Canada Music Week - Ideas to celebrate Canada Music Week with the students, Sept. 23 - 2022
Orff Level 1 - Dance, Conducting, Percussion ensemble, Recorder - 2008
CFMTA Conference - Music Seminars - 2015
Suzuki Violin Unit 7 - - 2023
Keyboard Workshop - Update on RCM curriculum changes - 2015
Masterclass with Adrianne Pieczonka - Attended a masterclass with renowned soprano Adrianne Pieczonka. Adrianne inspired four young vocalists to bring out their creativity and polish their performances. - 2024
Suzuki violin book 7 - Teacher Training - 2014
Suzuki violin book 8 - Teacher Training - 2015
Masterclass with Dr. Randall Faber - Attended a masterclass with Dr. Randall Faber. Dr Faber inspired four RCM Certificate Program Students to bring their creative energy to polish their repertoire for performance. - 2024
Music - PDSB - Focus on alternative teaching methods to high school students - 2017
CFMTA Conference - Music Seminars/Lectures - 2003
The Art of Teaching Theory Level 5 - Given by the RCM - 2018
Toronto Summer Music Community Academy - Piano Masterclass - 2016
Orford Music Academy - Masterclass with Prof. David Jalbert - 2018
Suzuki Piano Level 7 - Suzuki Piano Book 7 Certification with Fay Adams - 2016
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 5 - 1997
Creative Ability Development - Alice Kanack - 2017
new piano syllabus 201515 - New technical requirements ; ear training new approach - 2015
Suzuki Violin Unit 4 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Amy Matherly - 2014
Conservatory Canada: Look Mom, One Hand! (Piano repertoire for one hand) by Debra Wanless - Piano repertoire webinar - 2022
BMW-121 Lyric Writing: Writing From the Title - Lyric Writing from the Title course - Berklee College of Music - 2006
BMW-122 Lyric Writing: Writing Lyrics to Music - Writing Lyrics to Music course - Berklee College of Music - 2006
Conservatory Canada: Muzio Clementi by Dr. Elaine Keillor - Performance Practices webinar - 2022
Suzuki Violin Unit 5 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Nancy Jackson - 2020
Teaching Strategies - Tanya Carey - 2021
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 6 - 1997
Orford Music Academy - Masterclass with Prof. Ronan O'Hora - 2019
Toronto Summer Music Community Academy - The TSM Community Academy runs for 8 hours each day for 5 days culminating in a performance at Walter Hall. The program consists of masterclasses, and supplementary lectures. - 2022
The Art of Teaching Theory Level 6-7 - Given by the RCM - 2019
Child Psychology - Child psychology - 2009
Music Reading Session - Sight-reading clarinet music with a local wind ensemble - 2016
Peek inside the Exam Room with Dr. Victoria Holland - Observed a Level 4 Voice Exam followed by a discussion and analysis of the examiner’s marks and comments. Gained insights into how to prepare my students for a successful exam experience. - 2024
Preview of The RCM Voice Series, 2025 Edition with Dr. Victoria Holland and Elaine Rusk - Learned about the RCM Voice Series, 2025 Edition and explored some exciting online offerings that will benefit voice students. - 2024
Piano Syllabus - Updating teachers on the requirements of the new syllabus - 2015
Exam preparation - RCM course for Teachers - 2012
The Art of Teaching Theory Level 8 - Given by the RCM - 2018
University of Ottawa - Concerto Competition Finals - 2019
Suzuki Piano Pedagogy - Volume 7 - 1997
Suzuki Violin Unit 6 - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training w/ Nancy Jackson - 2020
Conservatory Canada: Ornamentation in the Music of Baroque Women Composers by Olivia Adams, Cécile Desrosiers & Eleanor Gummer - Performance practices webinar - 2022
BMW-125 Commercial Songwriting Techniques - Songwriting Techniques course - Berklee College of Music - 2009
BMW-130 Songwriting: Hit Song Forms - Songwriting: Hit Songs course - Berklee College of Music - 2006
Conservatory Canada: Realizing Ornaments by Dr. Elaine Keillor - Performance practices webinar - 2022
Taller de Lectura - Suzuki of the Americas Association Erichement Course w/ Carolise Fraser - 2009
University of Ottawa - Scholarship - 2018
Four Star Sight Reading - How to use the 4 Star Course - 2015
RCM Lightning Talks - Made a presentation on how to use and incorporate music theory concepts into Pop Music. - 2018
Resonate - OMEA - Attended workshops with a focus on research - 2016
Jazz Piano Workshop - Hugh Parsons Jazz Workshop - 2009
VI International Piano Competition 'City of Vigo' - Semifinal Round - 2022
Violin Practicum - Suzuki of the Americas Association Teacher Training Eduardo Luduena - 2015
Dalcroze Canada: Making Sparkling Music - Connecting Movement and Sound through Improvisation - Dalcroze Piano Improvisation Workshop - 2014
BMW-131 Songwriting: Melody - Songwriting Melody course - Berklee College of Music - 2008
BMW-133 Songwriting: Harmony - Songwriting Harmony course - Berklee College of Music - 2008
Dalcroze Canada: Masterclass with Paul Hill - Piano performance masterclass - 2014
Meaningful Assessment - RCM Course for Teachers - 2014
Summer Summit - Incorporating technology into music lessons - 2014
Summer Summit - Making music theory more tangible to students - 2016
RCM Theory Course - RCM Course for Teachers - 2016
Dalcroze Canada: Workshop with Dr. Jeremy Dittus - Dalcroze Music workshop - 2013
BMW-160 Film Scoring 101 - Film Scoring Course - Berklee College of Music - 2008
Critical Listening - Critical Listening course - Berklee College of Music - 2014
Elementary Teachers Federation Ontario: Classroom Management - Educators' conference - 2014
Teaching Musical Games to Elementary Students - Made a presentation at the OMEA Conference to several teachers. - 2017
Frances Clark Centre: National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy - Piano Pedagogy conference - 2021
RCM - Exploring the Language of Music - Integrating creativity and theory with practical piano performance practices - 2016
RCM - Technology in Music Education Seminar - Technology in Music Education - 2014
Music Care Conference - Music Therapy conference - 2016
Music Teachers National Association Conference - Piano Pedagogy conference - 2020
Songwriting: Essential Guide to Lyric Form and Structure - Songwriting: Essential Guide to Form and Structure course - Berklee College of Music - 2005
The Songwriter's Workshop: Harmony and Melody - Songwriter's Workshop: Harmony and melody course - Berklee College of Music - 2005
OCAD University / SNOW: Introduction to Learning Disabilities - Educators' course - 2017
Ontario Music Educators Association: Con Brio! - Music Educators Conference - 2009
ORMTA Central Toronto Branch: "How to Teach Composition" by Avila Lotoski - Composition webinar - 2022
ORMTA Central Toronto Branch: Jazz with Kathleen Gorman - Jazz piano pedagogy workshop - 2018
ORMTA Central Toronto Branch: Workshop with Peter Mose - Music History workshop - 2013
ORMTA Central Toronto Branch: “The Power of a Picture: Using Imagery and Imagination to Inspire Piano Progress” Workshop by Jennifer Smele - Piano Pedagogy Workshop - 2024
The Alan Fraser Piano Institute Workshop - Piano Technique Workshop - 2018
The Royal Conservatory of Music: Keyboard Pedagogy Summit - Piano Pedagogy conference - 2010
Toyich International Projects Conference - Piano Performance Conference - 2007
School Associations
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Educators' Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Association des professeurs de musique du Québec/Quebec Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music for Young Children - National
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Centre - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Centre - National
Utah Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc. - National
American String Teachers Association - National
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
National Association of Teachers of Singing - National
Illinois Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music for Young Children - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Association of Professional Music Teachers - Provincial / State
Wisconsin Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators' Association - National
Association des professeurs de musique du Québec/Quebec Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Association des professeurs de musique du Québec/Quebec Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
American String Teachers Association - National
Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Washington Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Ohio Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Colorado Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Coalition for Music Education in Canada - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators' Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
American String Teachers Association - National
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Band Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
American String Teachers Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Illinois Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Band Association - National
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music for Young Children - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music for Young Children - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music for Young Children - National
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Nova Scotia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Prince Edward Island - CFMTA Registrar - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators' Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators' Association - National
Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Canadian Music Centre - National
Alliance for Canadian New Music Projects - National
American String Teachers Association - National
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music for Young Children - National
Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators' Association - National
Music for Young Children - National
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Nova Scotia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
American Choral Directors Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Educators' Association - National
National Flute Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Ohio Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Prince Edward Island Registered Music Teachers - Provincial / State
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
National Association of Teachers of Singing - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
American String Teachers Association - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Missouri Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Centre - National
Association des professeurs de musique du Québec/Quebec Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Carl Orff Canada - National
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc. - National
California Association of Professional Music Teachers - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Canadian Band Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
National Association of Teachers of Singing - National
Florida Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Canadian Music Educators' Association - National
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Association des professeurs de musique du Québec/Quebec Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Canadian Music Centre - National
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Association of Professional Music Teachers - Provincial / State
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Piano Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Association of Professional Music Teachers - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Association of Professional Music Teachers - Provincial / State
Arizona Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
New Brunswick Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Carl Orff Canada - National
Illinois Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Texas Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
New Jersey Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Coalition for Music Education in Canada - National
The Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy - National
Canadian Music Centre - National
National Association of Teachers of Singing - National
International Society for Music Education - International
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Music for Young Children - National
Guitar Foundation of America - National
Utah Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Texas Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
National Association of Teachers of Singing - National
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
California Music Teacher Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Royal Canadian College of Organists - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Florida Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
New York Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Royal Canadian College of Organists - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ohio Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Texas Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Ohio Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Texas Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
New Jersey Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Educators' Association - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc. - National
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Canadian Music Educators' Association - National
National Flute Association - National
Royal Canadian College of Organists - National
Utah Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Wisconsin Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Wisconsin Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Royal Canadian College of Organists - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ohio Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Texas Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Canadian Music Educators' Association - National
National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc. - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
British Columbia Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
National Association of Teachers of Singing - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Utah Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Music Teachers National Association - National
Royal Canadian College of Organists - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc. - National
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Newfoundland & Labrador Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Royal Canadian College of Organists - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario College of Teachers - Provincial / State
Canadian Band Association - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
National Association of Teachers of Singing - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ohio Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
North Carolina Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
New York Music Teachers Association - Provincial / State
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Suzuki Association of the Americas - National
Music Teachers National Association - National
Carl Orff Canada - National
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Provincial / State
Kodály Society of Canada - National
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