Before you make a request, you must determine the copyright-holder of the work and if the work is still in print. Please refer to the copyright notice at the bottom of the first page of music to determine the copyright-holder. You must contact the copyright-holder of the music for permission to make a copy.
For works copyrighted by The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, please visit to determine if the book is still in print. If it is not listed, it is not in print or the copyright-holder may have changed.
The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited may grant permission to copy their copyrighted works:
- when the publication is out of print
- when a reprint/reproduction of the music is needed for special circumstances (for example, recitals or other performances; audio/video recordings)
- to facilitate a page turn
Requests must be made in writing to [email protected]. Please allow 3–5 business days for a response.
Note: Copying music for examinations is only permitted to facilitate a page turn.
The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited grants permission to examination, festival, and recital participants to photocopy one to two pages from their copyrighted works in order to facilitate a page turn. Please print this public notice and bring it with you to your examination, festival, recital, or recital.